Another day….

For the past few years, I have noticed that my singing voice wasn’t what it once was.  I just attributed it to years of smoking. (Yes, I, with all of my health problems…am playing Russian Roulette.  How ironic -or rather, Stupid!)  Now, with the diagnosis of Parkinson’s, I understand why I cannot sing.  PD steals your voice.  I am hoarse every day.  It will only get worse, not better.  There will come a day that I go silent.  I tease my husband and tell him that yes –  I will finally SHUT UP!  Those who know me well, know that this may be a huge blessing for my poor husband, who has listened to me talk to myself, the animals, the walls, whatever.  I just can’t shut up.  A counselor once told me I was a “verbalizer.”  She explained that, in order for my brain to process and my body to respond, I HAD TO VERBALIZE.  Personally, I just think I like to talk, a lot!  It makes me sad to think I will be trapped in here with nothing to say.  I also grieve over the fact I can no longer sing.  So, I have promised myself that I will continue to sing – just in a different way.  I promise to sing and sing through the written word.

I had counseling today and was instructed to grieve, then laugh, then grieve…. and keep on writing.  So, I am. 

If you or someone you know is living with a chronic debilitating progressive illness, lift them up, support them, and let them talk or sing all they want.  Someday, you will miss hearing their voice.

3 thoughts on “Another day….

  1. Effective communication is so important to all of us. For starters, do you have a dry erase board? You can get small ones just about any where. You may need to graduate to a small bell down the road. And just to keep folks on their toes, for when you are SOOOOO frustrated or pissed off, an air horn (in the can) can work wonders!!!!

  2. You can sing to me any day, as long as you sing a Barry Manilow song!!! Love you my forever friend!

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